Australian School Lists for Education Marketing

Australian School Data Lists for Education Marketing

Australian School Lists for Education Marketing to Principals

Australian School Lists for Education Marketing
Australian School Lists™
Including New Zealand
Please contact the ASL Team direct to view samples of our Australian Schools Database, with over 33,000+ multi chief decision-makers available, with personalized work + role based email contacts, and delivered also for NZ Schools.
Receive a comprehensive data quote for BOTH our Premium Personalized School Database and our ALL Generic Schools Database options.
Affordable Australian & NZ Early Education Child Care Centres SPECIAL Package dataset lists are available.
Special monthly rate card discounts are offered subject to our terms upon direct enquiry with our team.
ALL databases are delivered in Excel spreadsheet format.
PayPal purchases will receive the personalised email work +role related contact data information with inclusions as shown below.
School Data inclusions:
Includes 33,000+ approx multi chief decision makers across the complete personalised schools database
What you get...
School Name
Street Address
Postal Address
Principal First Name
Principal Last Name
Multi Chief Assistant / Deputy Principals / Campus Heads / Acting & Relieving
Business / Corporate Service / Finance Managers / Administration / IT
Year Advisors / Welfare / Wellbeing & Inclusion /PDHPE
Curriculum & Instruction, Learning Support / Virtual STEM
Job Function
Email - includes Personalised and Generic
School Website URL’s
School Staff contact URL's
Region - Metro / Country
Type - Government / Private / Catholic
Category - Primary / Secondary / Combined / Special
Boys / Girls / Co-ed
Student Enrolment Numbers
Teacher Numbers
School ID I Location ID I Age ID I ACARA ID numbers
Includes in depth data for every school
Plus further additional information...